The triple backtick highlighter logo.

Beautiful MDSveX Code Blocks

How to configure MDSveX and @bitmachina/highlighter in a SvelteKit project.

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📦 Install

npm install @bitmachina/[email protected]# oryarn add @bitmachina/[email protected]

⚡️ Quick start

Use the return value of createHighlighter in your mdsvex.config.js.

import { createHighlighter } from "@bitmachina/highlighter";/** @type {import('mdsvex').MdsvexOptions} */export default {  extensions: ["", ".md", ".svx"],  highlight: {    highlighter: await createHighlighter({ theme: "nord" }),  },};

The @bitmachina/highlighter package exports the createHighlighter function which takes an argument of Shiki HighlighterOptions, these are passed directly to Shiki getHighlighter internally. The highlighting function returned by createHighlighter was built for MDSveX and inserts the proper HTML entities to escape characters syntactically important to Svelte.

Any Shiki theme can be used.

Table of Contents

Meta strings

Code blocks are configured via the meta string on the top codeblock fence.

Some features have been added to make this package comparable to Rehype Pretty Code.


Add a title to your code block, with text inside double quotes (""):

```js title="Say hello to Shiki highlighting"console.log('Hello, Shiki!");```


console.log('Hello, Shiki!");

This directive will add a data-code-title attribute to the <pre> element.

The code block titles on this site are created using the following css.

pre[data-code-title]:before {  color: rgb(255 255 255 1);  background: rgb(39 39 42);  font-size: 0.8125rem;  font-weight: 600;  font-family: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto,    "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji",    "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";  line-height: 1.5rem;  min-height: calc(3rem + 1px);  content: attr(data-code-title);  display: block;  padding-top: 0.75rem;  padding-left: 1rem;  padding-right: 1rem;  border-bottom: solid 1px rgb(63 63 70);}

Line numbers

Line numbers can be conditionally be shown, using the showLineNumbers directive. This adds a data-line-numbers boolean attribute to the <code> element.

The line number is made available in the data-line-number attribute on the <span> elements containing each line.

```js showLineNumbersconsole.log("Show me the numbers!")console.log("Show me more!")```
console.log("Show me the numbers!")console.log("Show me more!")
<code data-line-numbers>  <span data-line-number="1">...</span>  <span data-line-number="2">...</span></code>

A starting line number can be provided as an argument to showLineNumbers.

```js showLineNumbers{64}const example="The first line of this code block will start at 64"```
const example="The first line of this code block will start at 64"

CSS Example

Below is an example of adding line numbers to the code block using CSS and the data attributes.

code[data-line-numbers] > span[data-line-number]::before {  /* Insert the line number data attribute before the line */  content: attr(data-line-number);  /* Other styling */  display: inline-block;  width: 1rem;  margin-right: 1rem;  margin-left: 1rem;  text-align: right;  color: gray;}

Highlight lines

Place a numeric range inside {}.

```ts {3..5,7}/** * Parse Markdown code fence metadata. * * @param metastring - Code block metadata string. * @returns Parsed metadata values object. * @public */export declare function parseMetadata(metastring: string | undefined): TMetadata;```
/** * Parse Markdown code fence metadata. * * @param metastring - Code block metadata string. * @returns Parsed metadata values object. * @public */export declare function parseMetadata(metastring: string | undefined): TMetadata;

CSS Example

Actually apply the highlighting to the line by targeting the data-highlighted attribute.

code > span[data-highlighted] {  background: #3b4252;  width: 100%;}


If languages are known ahead of time, limiting them should speed up loading the highlighter.

// mdsvex.config.jsexport default {  // of the MDsveX options  highlight: {    highlighter: createHighlighter({      // of the Shiki options      lang: ["css", "html", "js", "ts", "sh"]     }),  },};

If using the CSS variables, add them to your css like so.

/* app.css */:root {  --shiki-color-background: #27272a;  --shiki-color-text: #fff;  --shiki-token-constant: #6ee7b7;  --shiki-token-string: #6ee7b7;  --shiki-token-comment: #71717a;  --shiki-token-keyword: #7dd3fc;  --shiki-token-parameter: #f9a8d4;  --shiki-token-function: #c4b5fd;  --shiki-token-string-expression: #6ee7b7;  --shiki-token-punctuation: #e4e4e7;}



MIT @ John Hooks